Monumental Inscriptions - Bishop's Castle

2 replies [Last post]
Sheila Smith
Last seen: 8 years 21 weeks ago
Joined: Friday, 28-02-2014

I see from the "Shop" that the MIs for Bishop's Castle are only available on microfiche.  Are they likely to be published in a different format ie CD or photocopy?  I gave my fiche reader away! Thanks.

Michael J Hulme
Last seen: 1 hour 6 min ago
Joined: Saturday, 4-06-2011

Hello Sheila

The Bishops Castle MIs are only available on microfiche because the transcript runs to 126 pages including the index which has nearly 1900 names in it.

If you buy the microfiche you should be able to look at it at your local library or archive office where microfiche readers should still be in use.

There was a time when transferring these transcripts to CD was considered but even that medium is now almost out of date with so much material being put on the Internet and making them available there is unlikely to happen in the near future.


Sheila Smith
Last seen: 8 years 21 weeks ago
Joined: Friday, 28-02-2014

Dear Mr Hulme

Thank you for your detailed response.  I will purchase the fiche and go to the Library!
