Whitehouse family.

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Barbara Handley
Last seen: 1 year 19 weeks ago
Joined: Sunday, 4-03-2012

I am trying to find out who were the parents of Thomas b1837, Sarah b 1842 and Joseph b1844 in the Bridgnorth area. I have the census, marriage and death records but have been unable to confirm who their parents were. They  were in the Quatt Union School in 1851. I am trying to confirm any information about them prior to then. I have not found baptisms for any of them or been able to confirm who or where their parents were in 1851. On the marriage certificate for Thomas Whitehouse in 1856 it states his father was John deceased. May or may not be the case of course. Curiously on a couple of records for Thomas and Sarah it states birthplace as Bristol, Gloucestershire but all the other records say Bridgnorth. I have considered that their parents were not married so any baptisms may have been made using the maternal surname.

Barbara Handley
Last seen: 1 year 19 weeks ago
Joined: Sunday, 4-03-2012

Thank you. I think I have found them now. They were baptised in Bristol.