Finding Baldwin family ancestor from Shropshire

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Last seen: 2 years 17 weeks ago
Joined: Saturday, 28-11-2020

Hi, I am currently hit a brick wall in researching my Baldwin family ancestors. I am looking for the father of William Baldwin born 1500 died 1520 in Craven Shropshire who was maried to Elizabeth Jenkes 1500 - 1565. Has anyone got any insight to William Baldwin? 

Last seen: 3 years 26 weeks ago
Joined: Sunday, 24-01-2021


if you need any other Baldwin information I have lots as my family tree was completed by the St purport civic society about 20years ago.

The Baldwin lineage is listed on the website... and William's father was Richard Baldwin 8 x great grandfather to Priminster Stanley Baldwin of Bewdley.

Kind regards, Lucy Davies



Last seen: 2 years 17 weeks ago
Joined: Saturday, 28-11-2020

Lucy, that is extremely helpful, thank you very much.

Last seen: 2 years 17 weeks ago
Joined: Saturday, 28-11-2020

@Lucy Davies, I would really like to see further information that you have on the Baldwins. Are you on www. Where have you got the Baldwin information?


Regards, Byron Baldwin.