Burgess Rolls - admittance

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Ken Woodgate
Last seen: 13 weeks 23 hours ago
Joined: Saturday, 13-07-2019

H E Forrest's publication (1924) recording admittance of males as 'Burgess' of Shrewsbury over the years notes:

Niccolls, Edward - of Shrewsbury, Glazier, son of Richard of Newnham - admitted burgess 11/15 April 1702.

Does this suggest that his father (Richard) was living at the time i.e. 1702 and perhaps nominated him for admittance? Was the practice for father's to nominate sons? Or could anyone who considered he qualified put himseld up for admittance?

Unable to locate a death for Richard - the above year 1702 would help in narrowing down a possible time period


Ken Woodgate