This site is really good for ordering pictures of loved ones graves, this has been done to help people who can't get to the graves. I have just received an email from who send out great newsletters twice a month, and one of his tips was to access this site, so I decided to put it on here for other peole to see.
Thanks for that. I have posted it on Cumbrian FHS and Durham FHS . Worth passing on. Also worth looking at if you already haven't is He has a fabulous newsletter, best I've seen !
Also take a look at Pierre Vandervelden's great site
for pictures and info on WWI and WWII Commonwealth graves in France and Belgium.
And without labouring the point, I hope everybody knows about the Geograph site - pictures of All of Britain, and especially Shropshire !
Hi MM, No, I didn't know about that site but I do now, thank you. There are some fab pics on from Crows Nest where my Grandparents kept a pub in 1920's called CROSS GUNS, now cottages, sadly not one picture of them although I do have one from streetview !
Thanks for that, Angela 35, I checked it out & was not disappointed.
It is a great initiative, and seems to be working well, merits broadcasting...