Could someone please be so kind to look up the children of George Henry & Elizabeth Diana Francis they were married 1883 and the first child born the same year, the last child born Emma 1898 in 1891 they were living in Jackfield, In 1901 they were at 50 Park Lane Madeley.
Not sure where to look for the Baptisms Jackfield or Madeley
Any other sugestions welcome
Thankyou Deb x
I would love to come along and do some physical research at Shropshire Archives, would there be anywhere I could research on Monday and Tuesday while the archives are closed ? As I would be around all week would like to make the best of my time.
I have phoned Bridgenorth Library they don't seem to hold material for Jackfield, the lovely man there said Telford and wreckin library services may have earlier parish registers,
Is there anywhere online I could find out who holds what etc. ?
Struggling !
Hi Deb
I don't have time to look for the URL right now (on my lunch break!) but I think the Shropshire Archives website has a PDF list of the parish registers it holds, with dates for the coverage of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials for each parish. Check that out and you will get an idea of what you will and will not find at the Archives.
When I visited Shropshire in September, I went from Wednesday to Sunday; that gave me all the days when Shropshire Archives was open, plus a day and a bit to visit church yards before returning home. While at the archives I checked the Monumental Inscription transcripts (and got copies of the maps showing where the graves were) so that I knew what I would be looking for and where I needed to look. If you don't find anywhere else to conduct indoor research on the days when the Archives are closed during your stay, this might be something you could do instead?
Here is a challenge for all our readers.
Following on from Steve's message above I can see why he didn't have time to provide the URL for the Archives list of deposited registers. Someone has re-built their web site and I am blowed if I can find the list. So lets see who is the first person to find it.
Hello Michael, I may try shortly to find online the lists of registers held at Shropshire Archives; but I have long ago downloaded to my computer a copy of these two pdf documents, Anglican and Nonconformist / RC.
I think that it would be useful for these to be attached somehow to this, SFHS website, and directly, not by hyperlink. It would save much effort in trying to tell new posters all about them.
In view of the voluntary assistance that SFHS provides to Archives by way of, not least, the Helpdesk there ought to be no copyright or other obstacle.
What does Graham think?
Yes, Michael, the lists are still there; but now three of them, with NC and RC split into two.
I am a duffer at trying to quote URLs or whatever: but > Leisure and Culture > Archives > Research Guides > Research Guides for Family History > then towards bottom of scroll-down page.
Parish registers:$file/parish-registers-2011-version.pdf
Non-conformist registers:$file/nonconformist-registers-2001-version.pdf
Roman Catholic registers:$file/roman-catholic-registers-2011-version.pdf
All of the above are in PDF format.
I'm glad to see Martyn is still on the ball and thanks to Steve for the individual links.
For anyone who wants to look at the source page click here.
Those who are using the Firefox browser may have a problem opening Shropshire Council PDF files unless you have something like the IE Tab extension. I don't understand the reason for this but have found it a problem for sometime.
"Any other suggestions?"
Ask Shropshire Archives - . As from 1.10.2011 there is a minimum charge of £5-00 for all enquiries. Hourly rate probably now £20-00.